The number of public interest to support the cosmetic appearance indeed creates the opportunity for some people to fabricate a product and d...

Dangers of Using Fake Cosmetics For your Health [On The Spot 24-01-2017 - Channel 7]

The number of public interest to support the cosmetic appearance indeed creates the opportunity for some people to fabricate a product and do not care about the health of consumers. What are the dangers of counterfeit cosmetics? We need to know also the rise of cosmetic products on the market is demanding us as consumers to be more cautious to buy an item. Fake cosmetics have chemical ingredients that security can not be guaranteed. Sometimes there are also fake cosmetics manufacturers who provide additional substances such as paint, dye clothes and even mercury is very harmful to our skin. It should be noted also let us not be fooled by the expired cosmetics sold in the mall or supermarket should not be fooled by cheaper prices.

According to the Head of Information BPOM: dr. Reri Indriyanti APT, M.Si mention that beauty creams sold in the market without including labels free of BPOM tend to wear the manufacture of creams ointments innocent, meaning he dalma contain no active ingredients and this does not make your skin becomes white or clean because there is no efficacy whatsoever didalamnya.dampak light due to the use fake cosmetics can be seen immediately, one of which skin peeling and redness. Moreover, it is not uncommon fake cosmetics also cause acne, dull skin, to other skin infections.

Result in the long term. Terrible dangers of cosmetic use can be up to kidney failure, heart disease, and even cancer. How did it happen? It turned out as fake cosmetics contain substances that are harmful and should not be absorbed by the body.
One of them is harmful substances from illegal and expired cosmetics market such as paint, textile dyes, although not ingested in the body, but if often used continuously of course the body or our skin will absorb it and this is what can cause a variety of serious diseases. In addition, often also found other harmful substances such as lead, copper, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc. which is above the safety threshold.

With increasingly sophisticated technology does make it easy for us to shop with just a touch of a finger, as a good man and not arrogant heart I will share tips for your consideration choose Cosmetic products are safe.

Following Tips From I 
Do not be tempted With Promise The Instant
His name sellers certainly want their products sold cape purse :) 
We as consumers do not believe the frills low price disposable directly makjleb, this usually contain ingredients that hard yes but that's not suudzon to my knowledge. there are also cosmetic cheap but nice but if that promise can be white quickly dihawatirkan could damage the entire skin pigment that can cause cancer.

Recognize Profile Sellers
It is very important for those who like shopping online, given in the virtual world is rife that sell cosmetic products are the same. As we recognize the vending profile when we want to consult or complain we know where we have to contact. lest we buy at the store komplennya even to other people, right gx funny.

Has licensed BPOM
Normally supplements are safe include BPOM license code stated on the product packaging. This license states that the product has already passed through the various series of clinical trials process for the safety of skin and body health. With so also we can know bagaiamna Choose genuine or fake cosmetics can we check out of the product registration number and his BPOM number, check number on the website BPOM
What if the product is not registered in BPOM, we will be hard to distinguish between genuine and fake?
Indeed, not a few cosmetic circulating in Indonesia is not registered with BPOM. therefore we can be more aware of the product, we also need to know the profile of the seller to be consulted. 

That alone can convey in this article, may be useful. 
When you have tips alone simply can be shared in the comment column.

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Lotus birth, may sound quite familiar when compared to water birth or hypno birth is now rising as the choice in childbirth in Indonesia. Lo...

Lotus Birth, Classical Method in Births Interest Return [On The Spot 25-01--2017 - Channel 7]

Lotus birth, may sound quite familiar when compared to water birth or hypno birth is now rising as the choice in childbirth in Indonesia. Lotus birth is not a method of delivering babies but rather be considered as a method in which the lotus postpartum birth is done is let cord regardless of the baby naturally. This method is actually part of the cultural past and are now starting to be developed in the United States.

Usually immediately after the cord stops pulsating, transfer the components of a physical nature such as blood or nutrient considered sufficient, but this method considers that the baby and the placenta is a unit of energy where the energy transfer will continue to take place gradually from placental tissue that has died through the umbilical cord until the cord dries and irrespective of the baby's body.

In practice, this method is a collaboration of the cultural system and also medically. If judging from the cultural system, this method is part of respect for the population of the placenta that has been keeping as well and give life to the baby while in the womb so that in some indigenous tribes applied treatment to the placenta, the Hindu religion was the method is considered ahimsa which the value contained is everything blends will detach itself corresponding grooves.

If the views of the medical assessment, the umbilical cord immediately after birth will still throb to transfer blood from the placenta to the baby. From various studies with a random sample, it was found that when compared with the cutting of the umbilical cord for at least 3 minutes provide additional blood supply is about 20 ml / kg body weight babies. The study also shows this method provides additional iron about 40-50 mg / kg body weight babies. This is particularly important as a major cause of iron deficiency anemia in newborns that have an impact on the central nervous system and leads to cognitive impairment. Besides the delay cutting the umbilical cord can also increase the transfer of cells hematopoesis (stem cells life) to the baby's body is very beneficial for preventing diseases associated with blood and immunity.

Indeed, when compared with the management methods of delivery that are widely applicable in the centers of maternity, the method is a little contradictory, because at the central maternity put forward regarding the active management of the third stage of the injections uterotonic, clamping and cutting the umbilical cord immediately and withdraw the cord is controlled to deliver the placenta. However, some research has been done, get the benefits of the methods of the lotus is that allows the transfer of blood and optimal nutrition, improve oxygen delivery vital that through the umbilical cord before the baby actually can begin to breathe its own, allowing the baby to quickly cry immediately after birth , babies stay close to the mother after birth so allow more time for bounding attachment , reduce infection from an open wound, and accelerate the release of the cord when compared with the umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth or were cut off after the cord stops pulsating, the average time it takes to release the cord is cut immediately around 9.56 days, 7.16 days when stopped beating and could be left as the lotus birth is only about 3.75 days.

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7 Specialty Floating in Indonesia Matches for Hooneymon [On The Spot -2017 - Channel 7] Stay at the hotel that stands above the sea, might...

7 Specialty Floating in Indonesia Matches for Hooneymon [On The Spot -2017 - Channel 7]

7 Specialty Floating in Indonesia Matches for Hooneymon [On The Spot -2017 - Channel 7]

Stay at the hotel that stands above the sea, might be the most enjoyable holiday. Now you do not have far to vacation in Maldives. Because several inns in Indonesia which already offers the sensation of floating in fact no less beautiful gaes tablets.

Then lodges where are they? just this recommendation for you: 

1. Misool Eco Resort
Who does not know Raja Ampat? Almost all people in Indonesia even in the world already know the underwater beauty. Until the white sand that is kept clean. More exciting again if I could get a lodging directly standing on the sea. For example Misool Eco Resort, is a floating inn which has special facilities such as an area for diving. Resort is located between private island uninhabited so it has a very beautiful view and have the privacy of a very high level, so it is suitable for you who want a vacation while seeking tranquility.

2. Papua Paradise Eco Resort
In addition to the Misool Eco Resort in Raja Ampat is also apparently no other lodging namely Papua Paradise Eco Resort which offers the sensation of staying in a floating room. This island is a paradise for those of you who like to dive or just want a vacation. Resort is located on the island Barantara Raja Ampat is surrounded by rocks, to enjoy the sunset was just enough out of your room and soak up the sky changing color.

Just imagine, no need to change clothes or jammed-congestion on the road leading to the beach. Rustling sea will add to a memorable experience while reducing your setres saturated due terlau work.

3. Ora Beach Eco Resort
Furthermore, no less also of Maldives is Ora Beach Eco Resort precisely located in Maluku. The beach was named Ora beach located on the island of Seram district. North Seram. The beach this one is known to have calm water and super clear.

Stay at Ora Beach Eco Resort is floating from room window is instantly visible sea super clear and visible beauty of a variety of coral reefs underneath. You can really enjoy the atmosphere of a real vacation.

4. Pulo Love Eco Resort
Do you you've heard of the Island of Love? If you are a treveler and loved the beach resort surely you know about this one. Lodging and expanse of sea that is beautifully located in Gorontalo. Known as the Island of Love when viewed from above, this inn is heart-shaped form. Well it seems very fitting for Honeymoon or simply escape from work with a partner or with friends.

This floating inn also offers a variety of water attractions such as diving and snorkeling. No need to bother looking and across the beach, just jumping from the pier.

5. Cubadak Resort
Do you ever enjoy the beautiful beach in Padang, West Sumatra? If not you can try the specialty of this one, his name Cubadak Resort. Perhaps not everyone familiar to hear it, but in fact worth considering Cubadak Island as a tourist destination. The island with natural beauty off this field, fun for those who crave a quiet getaway. The island is located in the district. Koto XI Tarusan located in the west of the village Mandeh.

Cubadak island has a very beautiful natural scenery with white sand clean. Keistemewaan Cubadak Island is nearby, there are several bays and headlands that for some people dubbed Europa Island Paradiso Village.

6. Maratua Paradise Resort
Then we will turn to East Kalimantan, Derawan archipelago is one of paradise East Indonesia precisely located in Berau. Undeniable beauty of Derawan is a tourist submarine that became the main destination for foreign tourists.

Sea view of green Tosca and soft white sand and still clean to make your holiday as being in Maldives.

In order for your holiday more exciting, you can stay at Maratua Paradise Resort is floating and very thick marine atmosphere. Exit the room stay nyemplung for diving and snorkeling.

7. Telunas Resort Private Island
If you are looking for a remote island and empty-paced private then you looking for holiday home and stay at this resort. Private Island Resort in Rio but also close to the border with Singapore.

The sand is so white that is very smooth and the blue sea are very clear as crystal. Island Telunas this you will also be treated with 15 bungalows concept of rural houses on stilts, so the impression of an exotic and tropical will be presented on this island.

The scenery is truly spectacular. You can take a dip in the infinity pool with a partner while enjoying the sunset. In addition you can also play stand-up paddle boarding, tour to mangrove forests, kayaking and others. Guaranteed satisfaction and fun! (Channel 7)

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Perang Pandan Bagi Warga Desa Pegringsingan Bali [On The Spot 23-01-2017 Channel 7] Desa Tenganan Pegeringsingan atau yang terkenal dengan...

Perang Pandan Bagi Warga Desa Pegringsingan Bali [On The Spot 23-01-2017 Channel 7]

Perang Pandan Bagi Warga Desa Pegringsingan Bali [On The Spot 23-01-2017 Channel 7]

Desa Tenganan Pegeringsingan atau yang terkenal dengan sebutan Desa Bali Aga atau Bali asli adalah sebuah desa tradisional yang terletak di kabupaten Karangasem sekitar 65 kilometer dari Denpasar. Desa dengan adat-istiadat yang kuat ini mempunyai sebuah tradisi tahunan Mekare-kare atau Perang Pandan yang banyak menarik wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri.

Sebelum  perang pandan di mulai, seluruh warga setempat berkumpul di sebuah bale panjang yakni tempat dimana gadis--gadis dan laki--laki berdiri dengan pakaian khas tradisional. Sementara di atas panggung, kaum laki-laki peserta perang pandan siap dengan segenggam daun pandan berduri dan tameng dari rotan, pertanda perang akan dimulai.


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7 Penemuan Yang Pernah Hilang Tanpa Jejak Sejak zaman manusia mulai mengenal teknologi yang sederhana sampai dengan teknologi yang rumit ,...

7 Penemuan Yang Pernah Hilang Tanpa Jejak [On The Spot 21-01-2017 Channel 7]

7 Penemuan Yang Pernah Hilang Tanpa Jejak

Sejak zaman manusia mulai mengenal teknologi yang sederhana sampai dengan teknologi yang rumit , telah banyak eksperimen yang dilakukan oleh manusia dalam menemukan terobosan terobosan baru dalam berbagai bidang untuk mempermudah hidup manusia itu sendiri , kerja keras dan dedikasi yang luar biasa tidak sedikit dilakukan oleh para penemu untuk kepentingan umat manusia bahkan melebihi apa yang kita bayangkan.

Tapi sayang nya tidak semua penemuan berakhir seperti yang di inginkan sang penemu dan dikenal banyak orang atau setidak nya di akui oleh banyak orang , bahkan di lupakan begitu saja yang keberadaan nya tidak berbekas dan hilang tanpa jejak sampai saat ini.


Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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Trump Bane - Donald Trump Speech contents similar to Batman Enemy [Channel 7] The whole world is watching Donald Trump becomes President o...

Trump Bane - Donald Trump Speech contents similar to Batman Enemy [Channel 7]

Trump Bane - Donald Trump Speech contents similar to Batman Enemy [Channel 7]

The whole world is watching Donald Trump becomes President of the United States. In his inauguration, he was giving a speech.

But one speech quote Donald Trump seems familiar, as previously uttered by Bane, an enemy of Batman in The Dark Knight Rises.

Where President Trump pledged to give America back to them, Comicbook page reported on Saturday (01/21/2017), saying, "We give back to you, the people."

Seluruh dunia menyaksikan Donald Trump menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat. Dalam pelantikannya itu, ia pun memberikan pidatonya.
Namun salah satu kutipan pidato Donald Trump sepertinya akrab di telinga, karena sebelumnya pernah diucapkan oleh Bane, musuh Batman dalam film The Dark Knight Rises.

Di mana Presiden Trump berjanji untuk memberikan Amerika kembali kepada mereka, dilansir laman Comicbook, Sabtu (21/1/2017), dengan mengatakan, "Kami memberikan kembali kepada Anda, orang-orang."

Sementara, Bane membebaskan tahanan di Gotham City, dan berdiri di atas sebuah mobil yang disaksikan banyak orang. "Dan kami memberikannya kembali kepada Anda, orang-orang," ujar Bane.

Ini bukan satu-satunya perbandingan yang dilakukan antara Donald Trump dan karakter live action berdasarkan komik. Dalam wawancara baru-baru ini, Trump juga dibandingkan dengan Negan, seorang penjahat dalam serial The Walking Dead yang diperankan oleh Lennie James.


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Aksi Anak Ini Mengundang Perhatian Netizen [On The Spot 20-1-2017 - Channel 7] Dunia maya memang selalu menampilkan hal-hal baru yag terbi...

Aksi Anak Ini Mengundang Perhatian Netizen [On The Spot 20-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Aksi Anak Ini Mengundang Perhatian Netizen [On The Spot 20-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Dunia maya memang selalu menampilkan hal-hal baru yag terbilang unik dan sangat menarik untuk kita simak.

Akses yang terbilang begitu mudah bagi siapa saja untuk mempubliksikan dan menyebarluaskan sesuatu hal yang baru, unik dan menarik memang sangat terbuka lebar. Anda tinggal masuk emnggunakan internet dan menuliskan kata kuci yang dimaksud maka munculah informasi yang terbilang sangat banyak mengani hal tersebut.


Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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7 Tempat Tersembunyi di Bangunan Terkenal Ada tempat-tempat di Bumi yang jarang dikunjungi. Bukan karena tak indah, sebagian tempat bahkan...

7 Tempat Tersembunyi di Bangunan Terkenal [On The Spot 19-1-2017 - Channel 7]

7 Tempat Tersembunyi di Bangunan Terkenal

Ada tempat-tempat di Bumi yang jarang dikunjungi. Bukan karena tak indah, sebagian tempat bahkan tak memiliki akses jalan menuju ke sana. Ada juga yang karena tak banyak diketahui orang. Namun traveler dari Telegraph seperti Tim Jepson, Sally Peck, John O'Ceallaig, dan lain sebagainya memberitahu kepada kita.


Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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Saat ini media sosial menjadi 'babak baru' dalam bersosialisasi, khususnya anak muda. Di mana mereka bisa meluapkan emosi, kebahagia...

Tantangan di Medsos yang Berujung Maut [On The Spot 18-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Saat ini media sosial menjadi 'babak baru' dalam bersosialisasi, khususnya anak muda. Di mana mereka bisa meluapkan emosi, kebahagiaan, dan kehidupan sehari-harinya di sana.

Bahkan tidak jarang, banyak sekali mereka yang mudah terpedaya dan ikut-ikutan melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya mereka tidak lakukan. Apalagi jika ada sebuah tantangan, untuk melakukan hal yang tidak lazim dan berbahaya.


Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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Menguasai bahasa asing bukan lah hal yang mudah bagi sebagian orang, namun ada beberapa orang di dunia yang mampu menguasai bahasa bukan cum...

Orang yang Mampu Menguasai Banyak Bahasa [On The Spot 18-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Menguasai bahasa asing bukan lah hal yang mudah bagi sebagian orang, namun ada beberapa orang di dunia yang mampu menguasai bahasa bukan cuma 2 atau pun 3 bahasa, bahkan sampai puluhan bahasan dari berbagai belahan dunia mampu ia kuasai. Berikut adalah beberapa orang yang mampu menguasai lebih dari 10 bahasa yang berbeda


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Faktor gaya hidup yang tidak sehat adalah salah satu penyebab diabetes di usia muda karena saat ini banyak anak muda yang tidak memperdulika...

Penyakit Masa Kini yang Mengintai Generasi Muda [On The Spot 17-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Faktor gaya hidup yang tidak sehat adalah salah satu penyebab diabetes di usia muda karena saat ini banyak anak muda yang tidak memperdulikan masalah kesehatan tubuhnya dengan melakukan gaya hidup yang tidak sehat, diabetes ada dua tipe yaitu tipe pertama sering di sebut diabetes kering dan tipe kedua sering disebut diabetes basah, dan diabetes yang banyak terjadi pada orang-orang yang masih berusia muda adalah diabetes tipe pertama atau diabetes kering. 

Penyakit ini sebenarnya bisa di cegah dan banyak pencegahan yang bisa di lakukan sejak usia dini karena mencegah lebih baik dari mengobati, saya akan memberitahu anda semua penyebab diabetes di usia muda yang sering terjadi dan menjadi kebiasaan seseorang sehingga banyak anak muda yang saat ini sudah mengalami tanda-tanda penyakit diabetes.


Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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Hewan Umur Terpendek di Dunia yang Masih Hidup [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7] Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi...

Hewan Umur Terpendek di Dunia yang Masih Hidup [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Hewan Umur Terpendek di Dunia yang Masih Hidup [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

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Kreasi Make Up Wanita Dengan Arang Pantat Panci [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7] Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informa...

Kreasi Make Up Wanita Dengan Arang Pantat Panci [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Kreasi Make Up Wanita Dengan Arang Pantat Panci [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

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7 Kisah Tempat Tinggal Unik di Dunia [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7] Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa f...

7 Kisah Tempat Tinggal Unik yang Ada di Dunia [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

7 Kisah Tempat Tinggal Unik di Dunia [On The Spot 16-1-2017 - Channel 7]

Channel 7 atau Channel Seven  menyajikan informasi berupa fakta di balik peristiwa dan peristiwa unik yang terjadi di dunia.  

Channel 7 juga berbagi informasi terbaru dan berita-berita yang menjadi viral di internet.

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