Lotus birth, may sound quite familiar when compared to water birth or hypno birth is now rising as the choice in childbirth in Indonesia. Lo...

Lotus Birth, Classical Method in Births Interest Return [On The Spot 25-01--2017 - Channel 7]

Lotus birth, may sound quite familiar when compared to water birth or hypno birth is now rising as the choice in childbirth in Indonesia. Lotus birth is not a method of delivering babies but rather be considered as a method in which the lotus postpartum birth is done is let cord regardless of the baby naturally. This method is actually part of the cultural past and are now starting to be developed in the United States.

Usually immediately after the cord stops pulsating, transfer the components of a physical nature such as blood or nutrient considered sufficient, but this method considers that the baby and the placenta is a unit of energy where the energy transfer will continue to take place gradually from placental tissue that has died through the umbilical cord until the cord dries and irrespective of the baby's body.

In practice, this method is a collaboration of the cultural system and also medically. If judging from the cultural system, this method is part of respect for the population of the placenta that has been keeping as well and give life to the baby while in the womb so that in some indigenous tribes applied treatment to the placenta, the Hindu religion was the method is considered ahimsa which the value contained is everything blends will detach itself corresponding grooves.

If the views of the medical assessment, the umbilical cord immediately after birth will still throb to transfer blood from the placenta to the baby. From various studies with a random sample, it was found that when compared with the cutting of the umbilical cord for at least 3 minutes provide additional blood supply is about 20 ml / kg body weight babies. The study also shows this method provides additional iron about 40-50 mg / kg body weight babies. This is particularly important as a major cause of iron deficiency anemia in newborns that have an impact on the central nervous system and leads to cognitive impairment. Besides the delay cutting the umbilical cord can also increase the transfer of cells hematopoesis (stem cells life) to the baby's body is very beneficial for preventing diseases associated with blood and immunity.

Indeed, when compared with the management methods of delivery that are widely applicable in the centers of maternity, the method is a little contradictory, because at the central maternity put forward regarding the active management of the third stage of the injections uterotonic, clamping and cutting the umbilical cord immediately and withdraw the cord is controlled to deliver the placenta. However, some research has been done, get the benefits of the methods of the lotus is that allows the transfer of blood and optimal nutrition, improve oxygen delivery vital that through the umbilical cord before the baby actually can begin to breathe its own, allowing the baby to quickly cry immediately after birth , babies stay close to the mother after birth so allow more time for bounding attachment , reduce infection from an open wound, and accelerate the release of the cord when compared with the umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth or were cut off after the cord stops pulsating, the average time it takes to release the cord is cut immediately around 9.56 days, 7.16 days when stopped beating and could be left as the lotus birth is only about 3.75 days.

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